
A welcome from the Congregation

Water Lane Church is a warm, welcoming, open and inclusive church that considers community and compassion to be of the highest priority. It is a  church that is seeking through prayer, debate, challenge and fun to find Christ’s purpose for his church in this place. Water Lane Church does not claim to have ‘arrived’, rather it believes faith to be a continuing pilgrimage. The people of Water Lane warmly invite you to join them on a journey.

Worship Services take place at 10.30 am every Sunday.

Worship lies at the core of our fellowship. Usually on the first Sunday of the month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper and all who love Jesus and seek to follow Him are welcome at His table. You are welcome to join us for tea and coffee in the Church Hall after the service. Our services are of the Free Church tradition. We believe that we gather around the Word of God in order that through preaching and teaching it may become alive for us. Music forms an important part of our worship too – hymns are accompanied by the organ. Additional services are held at Christmas and Easter.

By the week and month there are many other opportunities for fellowship, witness and service.

United Reformed Church ~ Water Lane ~ Bishop’s Stortford ~ Hertfordshire ~ CM23 2JZ ~ UK *
A registered charity in England and Wales no.1129836

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